About Us
about us at review captain
Review Captain
Review Captain was created with a vision to build consumer confidence.
We are an online review platform, bringing companies and customers together to build trust and inspire cooperation. We are open to everyone and encourage openness.
Review Captain helps customers gain confidence and provide rich feedback to help companies enhance their experiences.
With more people using review captin to share experiences and opinions on businesses, this offers rich insights to companies. Offering opportunities to learn about consumers opinions, make a change and gain more consumers.
about Review Captain
Truthfulness is the core of everything we do. We have honest feedback to help our businesses make a real difference. So all that we say should be absolutely authentic with your reviews – honesty is always the best policy!
why review captain?
We are here to have authentic, useful reviews for consumer trust and for businesses, small or big, to use this feedback to improve and evolve.
what we want to achive
To be the go-to review site for consumers looking for real reviews from real people with genuine experiences with brands!