Reviews - How we Collect them

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Email Invitations

A completely customized, branded email review set allows the customers to leave comments without logging in.

Designed engaging emails results in better rates for conversion. You can compare several messages and schedules to achieve the best results with unlimited standard AB tests.

In emails, you can ask customers for company reviews, product reviews or both in one email.

Mail icon

quick and easy collection of reviews

E-mails create a fast and easy way for consumers to write their reviews on-the-go without having to create accounts or log in.

With a star rating, customers can easily offer their feedback and comment in just a few clicks producing valuable real authentic reviews straight from the consumer.

Quick Reviews from all customers

With our system, you will not need to wait for new orders to receive reviews.

We can contact all past customers and send a review link. Gather reviews today from past consumers and the future!

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